
There are 220 million French speakers in the world today. It is an official language of 29 countries, second only to English. It is one of the primary languages of both business and diplomacy, and it opens doors to new cultural experiences. Proficiency in French can be a great asset both in the work force and for travel and tourism. Students in French also have the opportunity to travel to Quebec for an immersion experience once every other year.

Miss Mary Beth Acker

French classes are taught by Miss Acker. Miss Acker has thirteen years of experience teaching French and two years of experience teaching English in public schools in France. She holds a bachelor’s degree in French, a second bachelor’s in Secondary Education, and a third bachelor’s degree in Comparative Literature, all three from Penn State and two French Masters degrees from the Universite de Grenoble and the Universite de Franche Comte, in Sciences du Langage, Metiers du FLE (French as a foreign language), and Linguistique Appliquee (Applied Linguistics).

In addition to teaching French and sponsoring the French Club, Miss acker also teaches Gifted Support and coaches the track and cross country teams at Wilmington.